Eve Bliss 是一個健康生活方式品牌,通過產品、健康計畫和社區活動促進健康。
我們相信,真正可持續的健康生活方式和生態系統建立在真正的期望之上。Eve Bliss 致力於使健康解決方案更社會化、更平易近人、更具有文化相關性,從而激勵更多的人通過他們所做的一切來善待自己和他人的健康。
為什麼選擇 "Eve Bliss"?
夏娃(Eve)是地球上的第一位女性。我們希望通過夏娃來表達對 "人類之母 "和女性的崇高敬意。而 "eve "的第二個含義是 "活動或事件之前的一天或一段時間"。這個詞本身就包含了期待和喜悅的感覺,而這正是我們希望每個人在品嘗產品和慶祝時都能感受到的。
"Bliss"的意思是"美好的幸福和巨大的喜悅"--這也是我們希望通過我們所創造的一切和我們所做的一切帶給我們所有的家人、朋友和粉絲的。"極樂點(Bliss point) "也是一個食品科學術語,它描述了 "食物中各種成分的黃金比例,這種比例使食物最令人愉悅,難以抗拒"。我們的目標是創造這種 "健康癮",讓人們永遠不會覺得它是一件苦差事或無聊的事情。
Amy Tsien 是 Eve Bliss 的創始人兼首席執行官。正如這位健康宣導者經常描述的那樣,"本品牌是針對我們日常生活中的三大基本支柱--身體健康、心理健康和社區--而創立的"。
Amy 是零售行業的資深人士。她在時尚、美容和保健領域積累了豐富的經驗,這使她對流行趨勢和人們的需求有著敏銳的感覺。在香港和新加坡這樣的繁華都市,人們剛剛學會優先考慮自己的身心健康,她注意到,目前很多健康解決方案對眾人來說都相當遙遠、難以接近或負擔不起。因此,她創建了 Eve Bliss,以打破這種偏見。她堅信,健康應該是每個人的事情,而這一切都應該從我們的日常習慣開始。
"讓健康解決方案更有趣、更容易獲得、更具有文化相關性,是我們更大使命的一部分,我們的使命就是宣傳給予我們自己和我們身邊的每個人更多善意和理解的重要性。尋找我們所見之外的光彩。享受我們應得的幸福。" ——Eve bliss創始人兼首席執行官Amy Tsien
Founder & CEO
創始人Amy 於 2022 年夏天創立了 Eve Bliss。她的使命是通過創造有趣的健康活動,讓大眾可以體驗及重新關顧身心健康,消除健康是昂貴或沉悶的觀念。她的團隊創造高品質的產品。 Amy時刻市場需要,讓公司繼續創作更多有趣的活動,並以開放、努力和熱情的態度尋找機會。
Marketing and PR Manager
Natasia joined Eve Bliss as the Marketing and PR Manager. She brings a diverse range of perspectives to the team, having worked for Michael Kors, lululemon, and even now as a fitness trainer. Natasia is responsible for overseeing all brand communication efforts from our own channels, to supporting stockists and corporate partners.
Accounts Manager
Natalie is the Accounts Manager at Eve Bliss, where she handles B2B sales and strategy. Having built her own business, she understands the multifaceted roles required for success. Her passion for health and wellness aligns with her commitment to delivering results while supporting local businesses in the community. In her free time, Natalie enjoys hiking with her rescued dog, trying out new recipes, and exploring local hidden gems.
Creative Director
Joy oversees all of Eve Bliss’ designs, artwork, and social meda. Her unique perspectives, the warmest heart, and incredible work experience reflect in her work and storytelling every time. At Eve Bliss we value the genuinity, passion, and soul behind all that we do, Joy ensures everything we see encapsulates each of those elements.
Partnerships and Community Manager
Apple is constantly scouting for values-aligned brands and organizations to partner with and bring forth unique wellbeing collaborations. Apple’s personality, work ethics, and vision have created valuable long-term partnerships ever since she joined the team. Partnerships and Community Manager is an extremely key role at Eve Bliss to help strategize and excute our community engagement intitiatives with our partners, coordinate the collaboration, and promote a sense of belonging amnongst our community. Apple’s passion and capabilities allow her to excel at the role.
Singapore Clients & Partnerships Lead
As an events and operations manager, Andy ensures that everything from frontend to backend runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis and at every event the brand hosts or partakes in. Clara joined Eve Bliss as the Singapore Accounts and Partnerships Lead in 2023. She leads client growth and business partnerships across Singapore as the brand started its expansion in May 2023. Her experiences, vision, and passion have allowed her to identify the needs and desires in people, and excel in strengthening the brand’s positioning in Singapore with her unique perspectives and drive.
Operations Executive
As the Operations Executive, Jacky is the unsung hero behind the scenes, working tirelessly to ensure that every event the brand hosts is a success. With a keen eye for detail and an analytical mind, Jacky is responsible for overseeing the smooth operation of both frontend and backend activities, from setup to teardown.
Operations Manager
Leo has extensive experience in recreation and event management, planning and participating in large-scale sports projects. As a fitness coach, he possesses excellent communication skills, understanding others’ needs. He leads teams to ensure smooth and accurate event execution. Leo believes in teamwork, making the impossible possible, and is committed to enhancing event quality and participant experience.
加入我們的社區聚會,推廣健康,如 Eve Run Club 和 Eve Football Club。參與定期的運動、練習和為慈善事業進行的籌款活動。
在2024年,我們首次推出了 #GlowWithEveFest 預覽,通過互動工作坊和霓虹燈鍛煉促進心理健康。Eve Bliss 為所有人創建充滿活力、支持的空間。
Eve Functional Recovery Soda is our first product with years of researches, effort, compassion, and care.
Every habit starts from the first step. Bring your stylish Eve Portable Yoga Mat out with you today.